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Barrier Super Plus Fly Gel - 500 Ml

Barrier Super Plus Fly Gel - 500 Ml

Availability:Out of stock
SKU 1087
Tried and trusted by thousands Super Plus Fly Repellent has always been the 'No 1' selling product of it's kind to deter all those nasty flying insects, and most importantly, where Super Plus has been sprayed, it protects against and calms the effects of midge bites. Where irritation is a problem Super Plus Fly Repellent will help stop the need to rub and soothe sore areas. Also available in gel form. Gels are ideal for more awkward areas such as the sheath, head, under the belly and backs of the heels. When applying gels, use more sparingly and take extra care especially in hot conditions as ALL gels tend to attract sunlight and there may be a risk of sunburn.
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Brand Barrier

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